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Norman G. Ambrosini Elementary

Home of the Bumblebees

A Message from our Principal

Principal's Message

Angela Schuetzle, Principal




February 3, 2025


Dear Ambrosini Families:


Where is the time going? It feels like we just returned from winter break, and here it is already February. The school year is flying by.

February 3rd is school counselor appreciation day, and we are thankful to have Ms. Fitz here to support our students. Let’s give her a big shout-out!!

Breakfast with Buddies: The registration forms have been sent home. The money and forms are due FRIDAY, February 7th. The event is Friday, February 14th (Valentine’s Day) from 7:15 am to 8:00 am. The cost is $5 for one child and one family member with an additional $2.00 for each family member. We will have a Valentine's photo backdrop, so you can take cute pictures of your special day together. We look forward to seeing you!!!

Dress-up Day: Wear pink, red, white, and/or purple on February 14th to celebrate Valentine’s Day and Friendship. 

We held our 4th-grade spelling bee in January. Congratulations to Kymorah Wong and Charlotte Anderson who will compete at the regional spelling bee on February 7th at the Scotia Gym at 5:30 pm. Our alternate is Mya Reynolds. Congratulations girls!!!

We will be holding our monthly fire drill on the 11th. 

You are invited to our last 2024/25 School Site Council meeting. It is scheduled for the 11th at 2:30 in the Ambrosini Conference Room. Our next board meeting will be held at 6:30 at FMS on the 13th.  Also, our monthly PTO meeting will be on the 25th at 6:30 in the cafeteria at FMS. We would love to see you there. 

The Ambrosini Parent Survey will be sent out today via Parent Square. Please take the time to answer the questions by February 10th. We value your input.

President’s Week Break: No school from February 17th to 22nd. I hope you all have a wonderful break and enjoy your time together. School will resume at 8:00 am on February 24th.

The end of the 2nd trimester is February 28th and report cards will be sent home the following week. 

We are still in the middle of the winter illnesses. Please remember to call the office and let us know if your child will be out. We encourage you to request an Independent Study for your child, so they don’t fall behind. 

Students who have monthly perfect attendance enjoy Popscicle with the Principal and students who had perfect attendance for the entire trimester, receive Pizza with the Principal. Keep up the great work everyone! In January I enjoyed popsicles with 161 students and for 1st trimester we had 46 students enjoying pizza. The students really enjoy this celebration!

This is a good time to update your child’s emergency contact information. Situations change during the school year, and we need to have updated information so that we can reach someone in case of an emergency or if your child is feeling ill at school.

If you are interested in volunteering in your child’s classroom, please contact your teacher. We would love to have you on our campus to support our students. 

I hope you have an amazing month. If you have any questions, concerns, or compliments please feel free to reach out to me. I would love to talk with you!



Angela Schuetzle, Principal